Snekcip  I simply love this!! How in the world did you get it to switch back and forth like that?!! Awesome!! This baby girl is precious BEYOND words!!  Apr 26, 2012 ~ 4:45pm
Becky  I so needed this laugh today!  Apr 19, 2012 ~ 11:34pm
Jamie  So cute!  Apr 19, 2012 ~ 2:24pm
Matt  Monica - did you have a sign for "I just want to be held all the time"?  Apr 19, 2012 ~ 1:20pm
Monica  We had a checklist: hungry, tired, cold, hot, sick...Learning baby signs helped us avoid lots of frustration on both sides. Saige always looks so cute, even when she might seem crabby :)  Apr 19, 2012 ~ 11:45am
Nancy Cuppy  Don't you just love toddlers! They keep you on your toes.  Apr 19, 2012 ~ 9:15am