tania have you ever considered doing sessions while you're visiting ohio? i'm in columbus...maybe an hour from marion and would LOVE to have my family photographed by you!
Dec 19, 2009 ~ 10:27am
Brittany Kuhn aww i love this post. I live in Nashport OH.. probably like 45 minutes from delaware. Great pics!!! Go BUCKS!
Nov 10, 2009 ~ 9:15pm
Lauri Amazing. Really amazing. I'm always blown away by your art of everyday...
Nov 6, 2009 ~ 1:47pm
RICK NICOLOSI You are truly a gifted photographer. Everything is a bit more interesting when seen through your camera and that says it all! Keep it going!!! Nov 2, 2009 ~ 6:48pm
haley b these are beautiful! Nov 2, 2009 ~ 2:06pm
Amanda Holcomb I used to live in Ohio as well and just today I was thinking about our drives in the fall and all the fun festivals we would attend. Thank you for the visual reminder, you captured it just as it remains in my head. Beautifully!!! Nov 1, 2009 ~ 9:29pm
kendra I've been staring at this giant cobweb in the corner by our computer desk for the past week, waiting to see how long it will be before my neat-freak husband gets so irritated he comments on it. Now I might take a photo of it, frame it, and make it permanent. Beautiful photos, Matt. You're exceptional when you can make a cobweb look like art!
Nov 1, 2009 ~ 7:46am
Elaine ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Your shots are just amazing! That last one...drool... Nov 1, 2009 ~ 7:13am
heather I lived in Columbus for 10 years (originally from FL and now in DC area) and I must say.....you have some amazing pics of Fall this year!!! Ohio got a bunch of rain and it has made for and amazing fall. Thanks for sharing this :)
Oct 29, 2009 ~ 7:35pm
linds These photos are just gorgeous, thank you for sharing and inspiring!
Oct 28, 2009 ~ 6:53pm
Aaron It came to my attention that I did not appropriately represent the intellectual prowess of our family due to my fragments and misspelling in my past post following three consecutive late nights of sleep deprivation due to work and rushing as usual. Earnings season on the Street is no fun. Sorry for the misrepresentation. Seriously though, thank you for the walk down memory lane, some of my fondest memories. Oct 28, 2009 ~ 7:52am
Pam Nicolosi Fegley Matt, Love seeing Uncle Tony and Aunt Betsy's house on Silver St. Spent some time there myself as a kid! :-) Until I was 9, (I think) we lived above Dad's grocery store in a teeny tiny apartmet about a block from this house! The store is long gone but sat on the corner of Silver and Maple St's. Love the rest of your photos! Oct 27, 2009 ~ 11:20pm
Gina wow, matt! your eye for greatness is ummmmm.....great :)
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 10:07pm
Anne Marie Reames Matt,
Your eyes continue to be your gift! I was in Marion a few weeks ago and put an American Flag on Dad's and George's graves. I stopped by 186 Silver to view the homestead. Truly fond memories! Thanks for letting me be able to visit again on Day 293. Oct 27, 2009 ~ 9:53pm
Schrode Bro - LOVE the pictures. You truly captured central Ohio during the peak colors of autumn. I really enjoyed all the pics! We hope you come back for some winter shots (as I am already listening to Christmas music while I type this.... sorry :( Oct 27, 2009 ~ 9:13pm
Aaron Matt - Thanks cuz. Some of my fondest memories as well. Nothing could beat NightOwl Theatre with at grandma and granpa's with you knucle heads. Oct 27, 2009 ~ 8:24pm
Mike Carpenter Hey Matt, I think you should post a video of you editing some photos! Your stuff is really fantastic and it would be really fun to see you edit.
Just my 2 cents!
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 6:58pm
Michelle Amazing. Makes me homesick. Oct 27, 2009 ~ 3:40pm
tanya Wow! thanks for the view of fall, not much of that down here in Austin. LOL! What a cool downtown, I would have a great time there with my seniors for sure!
My fav. is the old barn in B&W, stunning!
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 3:04pm
Jessica Feely Wow, these pictures rock! You make me want to come visit all those cool locations...wish I had them here...as old and cool as seattle is, we just dont have that many cool brick buildings anymore...well at least for photographing people in front of :) I love your bw processing btw...ever thought of selling it as an action? Or just emailing it to me :) haha :)
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 2:25pm
Cindy Knull Since I am in Marysville, OH I appreciate these so much! The image of the house and horses = WOW! We go to Delaware to get Rocky's Italian Ice. Great little town. Yesterday, I just shot the exact same image of some yellow trees which were just outside of Mechanicsburg at a cemetery. Thanks for sharing these, Matt. Awesome!
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 12:51pm
Candy Wow....
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 10:07am
Julianna J Collett Where is my camera?! I HAVE to go out side - you inspire me !
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 9:44am
Monica I just love watching your work continue to evolve and enjoy looking at the world through your eyes and words. Thank you for this, a great way to start the day. Oct 27, 2009 ~ 8:28am
Robin Boy, I wish we had those colors and those wonderful old buildings here in Florida. Thank you for such rich and warm images. Oct 27, 2009 ~ 8:08am
Josh The images are stunning! If you're back up this way again, I would love to travel down from the Football Hall of Fame city to take a photo walk with you. Thanks for the insipration!
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 8:05am
Angela Nicolosi Thanks for the trip down memory lane Matt. Had tears when I saw the house. The pics are stunning! Oct 27, 2009 ~ 7:48am
jodi beautiful images, matt. you captured the essence of small town ohio in the fall perfectly. and oh man, those senior locations!!!
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 7:43am
Jill Louvar I love the fall in the midwest. It is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these amazing images Matt :)
Oct 27, 2009 ~ 7:42am