Saige is almost 4 moths old now, and I was starting to get a little nervous. I was starting to worry she was born without the chromosome responsible for a sense of humor. I mean, in my own mind, clearly I'm funny. Just ask me. I'll tell you. Don't ask Kylie, though... her answer doesn't count because she's built up immunity to my antics after two and a half years of marriage. Anyway, Saige shoulda been laughing (or at least crackin' a little toothless baby grin) at some of my jokes, made-up on-the-fly rhyming songs, Neanderthal expressions and unintelligible musings all intended to see something other than a stone-cold, I-could-crush-you-with-my-pinkie look from our little girl. But all were in vain. I was ready to call the doctor and see if there was some kinda surgery or procedure Saige could have... you know, like maybe a sense of humor transplant or something.
And then it happened. Our neighbor Denise came over for dinner this past Thursday night, and after we finished eating Kylie and I were out back picking onions outta the garden when Denise casually strolls outside with Saige in tow talkin' about how she got Saige to laugh. Shut. Up. We told Denise to do it again because we'd never seen her laugh (and honestly I was a little skeptical), so she just did some little tickle move to Saige while kinda playfully twisting her at the same time, and sure enough... Saige laughed right on queue. I was thrilled and so freakin' blown away to see my daughter laugh for the very first time. And more good news... I could cancel the sense of humor transplant. Plus, a recipe for makin' Saige giggle had just been revealed to me.
[insert sound of screaching needle on a record here]
Don't think I didn't try that little tickle move a hundred times the next day, and ya know what I got out of it? That's right. Nuthin'. No laughing. No giggling. Barely a hint of a smile for a nano second. Obviously I don't have the magic touch. So I'm left with waiting until Saige understands a bit of the English language to get my humor with words. Cearly she'll be laughing up a storm then.
In the meantime, here's a few images from the last couple weeks of "serious Saige".