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Day 252 ~ Let There Be [A New] Light
Well, it took 13 and a half months to replace the thing I hated most about the house when I bought it - the thing I swore would be the first thing to get changed as soon as i moved in, but it finally happened. The hideousness that provided light in the dining room for over a year finally got replaced today. The funny thing is Kylie has been waiting on me to pull the trigger for almost 2 months now. We ( and when I say "we", I mean mostly me) found a light we loved at Restoration Hardware, but the $545 price tag seemed pretty steep considering it was basically 2 clean, simple, cylindrical shades nestled one partially inside the other. That being said, I was tired of looking at dining room light fixtures at this point, and I was ready to shell out the dough for this ridiculously overpriced light because I couldn't find anything else that I liked any better that we could both agree upon. Kylie kept on looking, though, and went the extra mile to find another light that was almost identical at a local appliance and lighting store for $330 less. I was reluctant at first because it was a little smaller and, well, it wasn't Restoration Hardware, so how could it possibly be as good, right? I finally agreed, though, since 1) we could take it back if we didn't like it, and 2) well, okay, it was only $215 compared to $545, and so that's an additional $330 that could go towards my birthday present. [grin] Kidding, sweetie. Long story short, our friend Daniel came over to help install it today, and I think it looks pretty sweet. Glad I talked Kylie into it. |
And in case you weren't able to witness the awesomenification of the golden glory chandelier that was in the dining room when I bought the house, let me horrify - I mean jog - your memory. The red swirly wallpaper with the the b&w diamond wallpaper was pretty sweet, too, eh? We [un]affectionately referred to it as the "court jester" room. |
BTW, if you say you like the latter ("before") decor better, I'm banning you from this blog. |