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Day 204 - Complimentary Child Care
Matt Nicoosi Photographic Art is proud to announce we now provide complimentary child care for all our clients during their viewing/ordering sessions. |
Actually my friend Tina stopped by the house tonight to borrow a lens, and she brought her 4 year old little bright star, Trinity, with her. Trinity and Mia were off doing their own thing when we heard Mia's cage rattling. We walked into the gallery room to see that Trinity had dragged Mia's cage in there and then promptly inserted herself into said cage. We threw Mia in there with her to grab these two images. Not great exposures, but still fun images. |
My favorite part about this image is 1) the look of terror on Mia's face and 2) the canvas behind the cage is actually an image of Trinity from 2 years ago with her arm wrapped around her dog Ally's head. And actually, the canvas behind that is a humungo image of Trinity's head from when she was 1. I didn't even notice those images in the background until I downloaded the photos. I know the blog posting has been a little lean lately. It's summer which is my "off season" with the triple digit temps, and on top of that I've been a little under the weather the last few days and haven't picked up the camera much. |