Project 365 ~ From Whatever Day I Was On Until Now
WHAT: Project 365 (2009), Travel | WHEN: February 25, 2009
And then there was Venice.
This was the last city we visited on the honeymoon. Good thing, too, because my back, shoulder and trigger finger needed some rehab after this stop... visual overload. This was probably the most "touristy" place we visited, but I could've cared less... it. was. amazing. I think it helped that it was off-season, so we didn't have to deal with too many crowds and could enjoy everything at our leisure. And enjoy we did.
Venice had so many corridors... it was like one big labyrinth with even more character at every turn. We had fun just getting lost and wandering though the markets, shops and restaurants and wished we had at least another day to play. The sad thing about Venice is that it's become so expensive to live there because of the high cost of maintaining a home due in part to strict government regulations in order to preserve that beautiful old world feel that people come to see. I could be mis-remembering this, but I think I remember hearing/reading there's a 60% vacancy rate in Venice right now. Kylie listened to a guided tour she took on her iPod that hinted at a concern that the city could one day potentially become one big museum if things continue the way they're headed now.
We loved every minute of it, though. I took more photos in Venice than any other city... by far. And it's here that I ended up with some of my favorite images from the entire trip. So, with that, I'll shut up and get to the images already.
We were there the week before the annual Carnival celebration. From what I hear, it's kind a like Mardi Gras on steroids. There were ornate masks and and elaborate costumes on display everywhere we went as the city prepared for the event.
Thanks to Kylie, we stayed about a block away from St. Mark's square, so we were in the center of everything.
I bet this guy got a killer image. I mean, seriously, look at that backdrop.
Did I mention there was a plethora of pigeons in Venice.
I can guarantee you I would not have given up my gelato as easily - and joyfully - as this girl did. Me and some pigeons woulda had a throw down.
Lights lining a corridor of St. Mark's square. On the left is during the day, on the right at night.
A couple masks being painted for Carnival.
Brown delivers, even in Venice.
Saw this hot girl in Venice.
Our last night in Venice gave us an amazing sunset, probably the most beautiful one I can remember. Of course, having incredible architecture, a romantic atmosphere, a guy playing a cello in the background, and a beautiful bride didn't hurt.
And finally, I think this is my favorite image of the trip. I don't know what it is about it, but as soon as I saw it when I downloaded it from the camera, I got a big 'ol goofy grin on my face. This was the first morning in Venice when my iPhone forecast called for rain all day, and we walked out side to see the rising sun warming up and peaking through the overcast clouds. As a photographer, sometimes some images just speak to you more than others, and without getting all philosophical an y'all, this was one of those images.
I hope you've enjoyed the visual journey of Italy the last few days as much as I did revisiting the images. I may do one more post with a wrap-up slideshow that includes many of the images you've seen and a few you haven't, but then it's back to regularly-scheduled Project 365 programming and actual clients images. Thanks for indulging me on this ride down memory lane.