Archive: March 2011 | View all recent posts
Comparing Apples & Oranges
WHAT: Fun, Random | WHEN: March 22, 2011
"It's apples and oranges... you can't compare them." We've all made the analogy. I personally am frequaently guilty of making this false statement. Clearly you can, as the infographic below demonstrates. I've now been learned.
From now on, I've updated my personal inventory of cliché phrases to modify this analogy to say, "You can't compare apples and, oh, I dunno... rectal thermometers." And until I see an inforgraphic to prove otherwise, I'm sticking to it.
WHO: jamie | WHAT: Portraits | WHEN: March 15, 2011 | WHERE: Dallas, TX (Deep Ellum Arts District)
Meet Jamie. She's a photographer living in Austin who's, in a word, fun... and bubbly... and smiley. Always smiling. In fact, the hardest part about our session last weekend was getting her not to smile in some of her images. Well, that, and pronouncing her last name. Go ahead, give it a try... Lapeyrolerie. See? Anyway, back to the smiling thing. Jamie's got such a sweet and pleasant personality... I'd have a hard time not smiling, too, with a personality like that.
Jamie is in the middle of a rebranding effort for her photography business and website, and she contacted me last year about scheduling a session to create some new images for her website, and I was honored that she drove up to Dallas for a session and more than happy to help. I love photographing photographers. They just 'get it', meaning they're easy to direct and truly a pleasure to work with. And, unlike me who's obviously and visibly awkward when I get in front of the lens anymore, Jamie is a natural.
Here's a few of my favorite images from our session together in downtown Dallas.
Did I mention Jamie is part Creole? She brought along this killer mask for an image or two. I know, too fun, right?
Becuase she's such a trooper, you wouldn't know it, but she was freezing by this time. We had temps in the mid 70's all week leading up to the session, but on this particular day, mother nature dealt us a high in the mid 50's when the sun was up, and at this point in the session, it was more like upper 40's.
30 days
WHO: me | WHAT: Cityscapes & Landscapes, Personal | WHEN: March 13, 2011
It's been 30 days since my last blog post, the longest span between entries since I started blogging over 5 years ago. No joke, it took me 3 tries to get the right login username and password to even write this post. Not surprisingly, according to Google Analytics, the traffic from visitors coming to this blog has dramatically decreased in a month's time; if you're looking for a way to kill off your blog or website, just stop posting content frequently, or at all, and then set your countdown clock to see how long it takes. To the few people that have still swung by looking for something - anything - new, I applaud your perseverance and thank you for your loyalty.
My intention was/is certainly not to turn out the lights here. The absence of new posts has largely been intentional. At the beginning of the year, I decided that as our baby's due date got closer, I would purposely slow down the photography work to make sure I could spend some time with Kylie and not be working like a mad man right up to the delivery. I wanted some down time to relax, enjoy, recharge and prepare for the monumental lifestyle change that is about to happen here at the house when our little girl arrives. Coincidentally, that's about 30 days from now... give or take a few days. Hopefully give. [grin]
You may or may not know that photography is not my only gig. During the day I spend my time in the corporate world doing industrial design work for Texas Instruments (how many of you just now had flashbacks to the Speak-N-Spell?), and all the photography stuff happens in the evenings and on the weekends. I have a huuuuuge passion for photography, and I've enjoyed the work more than I can describe. But it's also come at a cost. Working basically 2 jobs has from time to time taken a toll on me mentally and certainly physically. And honestly, it's hard on our marriage during the busy seasons in the fall and spring. Kylie has been amazingly supportive, gracious and sacrificial in my photography journey, but our time together as just the two of us is running out. I want us to be able to enjoy the time have left, and something had to give to do that, so photography has moved to the back burner for awhile until we get our feet back under us after our little girl arrives.
I'm still planning to post new stuff here albeit maybe a little less frequently for a while. On that note, here's a few images from yesterday when Kylie and I had some maternity photos done by my friend Tina. While Tina was photographing Kylie individually for a few minutes, I grabbed my camera and photographed images at the park we were at. This first one is a photo of the pond with a reflection of a tree in the background and lily pads out of focus in the foreground.
Here's the tree and the pond with the lily pads from the first image.