Archive: December 2009 | View all recent posts
Day 335 ~ O - H - I - O
Coming up shortly on the blog is a little bit o' Buckeye, so get ready. My cousin Aaron & his wife Jen and their 2 kiddos stayed with Kylie and I the week of Thanksgiving, and we got some pretty sweet photos of them while they were hangin' out with us. I'll post some of those in the next day or two. In the meantime, I'd like to take this opportunity to teach you all a little Buckeye salute. Come on now... don't be a hater. Even you Michiganites should give it a try since Ohio State has pretty much owned you guys for the last 7 years now. It's really simple, and to help you out Aaron & Jen have provided a visual aid. |
It's becoming an international phenomenon... go ahead, click 'play' and see for yourself. |
And here's the verbal edition in action at a game. It's a good thing there were only 4 letters to remember 'cause I had some classmates while I went to OSU that I'm not sure could've spelled anything longer. I pretty sure, though, that our spelling prowess intimidated most openents... for at least a few seconds anyway. |
Day 334 - The Fears {Family Time}
Hello, Fears family. Seems like we just saw each other, doesn't it? Oh wait, we did... in July. Little Max is even more awesomer now as his personality continues to grow way too big for his little man body. This guy's a charmer, and we had fun hanging out with dad Chris & mom Dallas again this time at Adriatica in McKinney. This time around we made an outdoor play date for the afternoon to enjoy the awesome autumn weather which was was much different than the 97 degree weather we had the first time aroumd. Here's my favorites from round 2 this year. |
I love the look on little Max's face in this image. Hilarious.
This image cracks me up. Max was getting ready to belly flop on to his dad, and it appears he's announcing to the world his intentions... or he's serenading Chris. |
Hi. My name's Max, and I'm pretty GQ. |
Day 331 ~ So Long, Portland
A bit of a rebel image, this one is. Heading back to Dallas this morning, and while all electronic devices were supposed to be turned off, my iPhone bucked the system and discetely put his mug to the window to fire this one off. (Color obviously massaged in Photochop). |