Snow and the O
WHAT: Fun, Personal | WHEN: January 1, 2010
While our trip to Indiana was great, we ended up missing the first white Christmas in Dallas in the last 70 years. Seriously? Seriously. Fortunately nature TiVo'd it for us and replayed it again on Wednesday evening. Not quite the snow storm they got for Christmas, and it was completely gone the next morning, but I'll take it.
And today's the big day where the Buckeyes hopefully redeem themselves for less-than-stellar bowl performances the last couple years. Kylie's parents got me an Ohio State flag for Christmas, and after 3 trips to Home Depot today (one of them due to some bad advice from one of their employees), I finally got it hung today just in time for the smack down with the Ducks.
O-H... |
Day 343 ~ Thou Shall Not Covet
WHAT: Fun, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: December 16, 2009
You heard the Man. No Coveting... and that includes this sweet score. This priceless piece of art and I were magically united when Kylie drew lucky number 12 (out of 12 people) in the white elephant gift exchange we had this past Sunday night with our church couples group. It was destiny. I - from my 10 spot - had already smugly stolen a USB cup warmer from another unsuspecting giftee after the set of candles I initially drew was stolen from me. Knowing my wife would get some use out of the cup warmer since I don't drink anything that's room temperature or warmer, I was content with my sacrificial pick for the betterment of our marriage [read: brownie points].
And then fate stepped in. With her final pick, Kylie somewhat reluctantly picked up the lone "present" left on the table. It was heavy. I was not impressed as heavy often equates to misplaced hopes & dreams for quality in white elephant exchanges. But this was no dream. She lifted the mass from the bag and slowly shed the tissue paper hiding the mystery within. When the last shred fell to the ground, she held it up and a momentary hush came over the crowd of onlookers. Then they ooh'd and ahh'd in approval... or laughter. And from that point on - since, after all, what's mine is hers and hers is mine - we were the proud owners of the leagle [lion + eagle]... or at least I was. Others may mock us, but they mock in respect, because they know we walked out with the most coveted gift of the evening, maybe not for it's beauty or value, but because it will once again be the best white elephant gift at the first exchange we get invited to next year during the holidays.
Until then, or at least for the rest of the Christmas season, the leagle has landed on my desk in my photography gallery room and will sit there regally and garner respect from all those who are priviledged enough to see it in person. Did you know that if you rub the leagle's beak and toss a fiver into the jar I'm going to put out next o him, your practically gauranteed to have something good happen to you in the next 4 days? And BTW, I'm fully aware it may not be part eagle, but leagle sounds better than lion + some-other-bird.
So, lastly, the leagle needs a name. Feel free to leave a comment with suggestions. In the meantime, admire him from your keyboard... but don't covet him.
Day 335 ~ O - H - I - O
WHAT: Families, Fun | WHEN: December 8, 2009
Coming up shortly on the blog is a little bit o' Buckeye, so get ready. My cousin Aaron & his wife Jen and their 2 kiddos stayed with Kylie and I the week of Thanksgiving, and we got some pretty sweet photos of them while they were hangin' out with us. I'll post some of those in the next day or two. In the meantime, I'd like to take this opportunity to teach you all a little Buckeye salute. Come on now... don't be a hater. Even you Michiganites should give it a try since Ohio State has pretty much owned you guys for the last 7 years now. It's really simple, and to help you out Aaron & Jen have provided a visual aid.
It's becoming an international phenomenon... go ahead, click 'play' and see for yourself.
And here's the verbal edition in action at a game. It's a good thing there were only 4 letters to remember 'cause I had some classmates while I went to OSU that I'm not sure could've spelled anything longer. I pretty sure, though, that our spelling prowess intimidated most openents... for at least a few seconds anyway.
Day 331 ~ So Long, Portland
A bit of a rebel image, this one is. Heading back to Dallas this morning, and while all electronic devices were supposed to be turned off, my iPhone bucked the system and discetely put his mug to the window to fire this one off. (Color obviously massaged in Photochop).
Day 325 ~ Happy Thanksgiving
WHAT: Fun, Project 365 (2009) | WHEN: November 26, 2009
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving today. I hope your day is filled with peace, joy, and, well, thanks. I'd personally like to say thanks to all my family for being so supportive and loving, to all my friends for being the best 2nd family I could ask for, and to all my wonderful clients that trust me enough to capture their most precious memories. It's easy for me to sometimes focus on the things that aren't as I'd like, especially in the day to day grind, but today I'm thankful for all the things that are right and the blessings I've been given.
Just to spruce up this post with a little visual splendor, my cousin Aaron and his wife Jen and their two kids are staying with us this week, and here's their son Spencer adding the final bling to the cupcakes Kylie made for our feast.
And here he is waiting patiently to enjoy the fruits of his labor.