Jason Drumm I love this place. Where everybody knows my name (mostly because it's at the top of every comment I make), and they're always glad I came (OK, this is subjective). Thanks Matt for the blog that so many of us have been able to enjoy 50,000 times.
Matt, you should have a blog post where everyone comments to say how they found your blog. That could be fun.
Sep 24, 2008 ~ 9:06am
Tracy Routh Wow, Matt! Incredible #s! Always a great read and beautiful images! I was so excited to see 16000 this morning on mine, I need more friends ;) !!
Congrats on the big five-O!!
Sep 21, 2008 ~ 9:26am
jenny i laughed at patrick's comment b/c i googled for 45 minutes that day trying to find that darn lense...and was even more irritated when Nikon didn't even have it on their own website!! Hmmm...sounds like a cool prize for the 100,000th
visitor...better call Nikon and tell them to get busy!! Sep 17, 2008 ~ 2:04pm
kimbrali i have a 1.2
na na na boo boo.
Sep 16, 2008 ~ 12:34pm
Matt @ Patrick - Umm, I think that was a typo Patrick... or a ploy to get everyone who searches for the non-existent Nikon 85mm f/1.2 to end up at the blog. I WISH Nikon made one of those; it should've said 84mm f/1.4. It kills me every time Canon user's mention how incredibly insanely unbelievably cool their 50mm f/1.2 is. C'mon, Nikon... throw us a bone!
Sep 15, 2008 ~ 6:13pm
Patrick K I happened to stumble onto your site while searching for "Nikon 85mm f/1.2". Been here ever since.
Do you really own such a lens, or was that a typo? Sep 15, 2008 ~ 6:01pm
debra r i just have to say that i stumbled upon your blog from somewhere, can't remember where.. but this has to be my new favorite hang out.. i love your work, and your blog entries... some day i would love to try the multple exposure you did a few posts down... i think you did a fantastic job on that!!!! keep inspiring!!! Sep 15, 2008 ~ 3:16pm