Kari Ihns Matt, coming from a gal who's had her fair share of cortizone shots, I promise you'll be feeling better in no time. Take it easy with the move. Aug 16, 2008 ~ 8:37pm
Sharon Wow, hope you better soon. I had to get a cortisome shot in the bottom of my foot once and let me tell you that hurt like nobody's business. But it was way better in a few days. Hang in there.
Aug 15, 2008 ~ 10:54am
Jean Nicolosi It's always rhe mom's fault. That was the decake that milk was so good for you.. Argh!
The good news, this year...chocolate is good for you, So have a nice big Hershey bar, honey! Aug 15, 2008 ~ 12:06am
kimbrali well those doctors are just silly. i know what the problem is.
too much fruity pebbles.
the milk from your extreme little boy cereal intake has gone and screwed up your rotator cuff with too much calcium.
darn milk!
but for reals. i hope you are feeling better soon. Aug 14, 2008 ~ 11:28pm
Kelley I've had one of those shots for a shoulder injury and it did get a lot worse the night after the shot. But yes, it did eventually get better. I'll be praying for you. It's not a fun recovery.
Yep, gettin' old is a heap of fun.
Aug 14, 2008 ~ 4:36pm
Cecile the surgery seems more palatable to me than the injection itself...uuurghhh needles!!! Hope you feel better soon. Shooting arm huh...didn't think you were that kinda guy. Not bad...just didn't make the connection with guns and Matt before....LOL
Get better Aug 14, 2008 ~ 11:32am
Tina Welcome to old age... Aug 14, 2008 ~ 10:10am
Monica Stock up on movers for the move. Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon! Aug 14, 2008 ~ 9:35am
Dennis Hmmm, doesnt sound like fun. Stock up on Ben Gay for the move.
Aug 14, 2008 ~ 8:37am