Laurie Someone on our team ran across your blog about ZOMM. My name is Laurie and I invented ZOMM. I wanted to thank you for spreading the word about ZOMM, I loved your blog :)
Thanks and keep spreading the word!
Jan 14, 2010 ~ 8:56am
Crystal DelaHoz This could have saved my precious 2 week old iphone one week ago!! Awesome! Jan 13, 2010 ~ 9:50am
Paula Seriously cool! But I agree with Pedro. I want one of these for my kids. It would be a lifesaver at DisneyWorld or the mall during the holidays. Jan 13, 2010 ~ 9:17am
Monica Yes, what happens when you lose your keys? Pedro says the next model should be to sync to your kids (and hubby). Jan 13, 2010 ~ 8:37am
Robin Yes but how do YOU keep up with the Zomm? Surely you don't put it on your keys... that you lose. Maybe you could wear it as an earring. That would work well for the speaker phone part. Jan 12, 2010 ~ 3:18pm
lane Bethke seriously
that is so rad
i am totally sharing that with friends! yea matt for this awesome discovery!
Jan 12, 2010 ~ 11:26am