mollie kendall  OOOh you little tease... For how long am I on hold exactly? Must. Own. More. Textures ;)  Mar 13, 2009 ~ 8:19am
Matt Nicolosi  Hi, Sharon. Unfortunately tomorrow doesn't work for me [grin]. The ornament I used was from a brush set created by Bry Cox ( I made this particular ornament using using 4 instances of a single brush, rotating each instant to to create the 'frame' for the title. Bry's brushes are great, so contact him if you'd like to purchase them. BTW, I will be at Texas School this year, and it would be great to meet you. Email me and let me know the class you're taking, and we'll figure out a way to meet up.  Mar 13, 2009 ~ 12:24am
Sharon in TX  Sorry, one question ... can you share the source for the ornamentals you used in this post. Or are they part of the package? Mucho thanks!  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 11:41pm
Sharon in TX  Coming soon! That is not soon enough!!! How about tomorrow? Tomorrow works for me. Does it work for you? P.S. Are you coming to TX School this year? Would enjoy meeting you.  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 11:39pm
Candy  Oh, you are such. a. tease.  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 4:38pm
Veronika  Ok, Matt, I've been following your blog for a while, but never commented before (btw, LOVED the photos from Berlin, my hometown, you made me a little homesick) For the record, love your portraits, too, and of course everything from Italy. My Grandpa was born in Rome and I grew up visiting Italy all the time, it's like a second home and a gigantic studio. My husband gets a kick out of your Mac comments, still trying to get me to switch from my pc . I do love my i-phone, though. Oh, and congrats, your wife is beautiful and seems very sweet and kind. Cute puppy, too. Ok, now I'm somewhat caught up, so: CAN"T WAIT TO SEE THE TEXTURES! MUST HAVE NOW!  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 3:52pm
linds  Wow, I just found your blog yesterday from the Blogs of Photographers and am in LOVE with your work. I especially love your Italy photos, my husband lived there for two years, and I've been there twice myself. We both love this beautiful country and you captured it perfectly! Amazing, amazing work!!  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 1:13pm
shena luna  I'll put my order in now! I totally agree with Elaine... Matt, you are an inspiration!  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 12:46pm
Karen  love it! can't wait!!  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 9:47am
Elaine  I've been searching out photographer blogs to get ideas of what works and doesn't for my own blog. I came across "blogs of photogs" and by luck your site was the site of the day. Can I just say I am in complete and utter AWE of the photographs you take. On so many photos I wanted to ask "what lens are you using" but I quickly realized that has nothing to do with it. It's your vision that makes your photos special! Hope you don't mind me sticking around for awhile! Your new #1 fan!! :)  Mar 12, 2009 ~ 9:40am