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The Pearsons [Sneak Peek]
This past Saturday we met up with the Pearson family to create some memories for this super fun family. Paige is another photographer, and I'm always honored - and a bit more nervous - when one of my peers asks me to photograph their families. I tend to idle just a little bit higher in sessions like this 'cause I spend half the session wondering if they're wondering 'why's he doing that?' or thinking 'I wouldn't shoot that way... with that lens." The reality is I think that's all in my head - or at least I hope it is. And I remind myself of a quote I heard a long time ago... "You wouldn't worry so much about what others think about you if you realized how little they did." With Paige and her family, though, oddly I felt right at home with them from the start, and we had a great time at historic Chestnut Square in McKinney. BTW, Paige's husband Stacey winds the Husband of the Year award for getting his wife the gift of photography. He contacted me while back about getting a gift certificate for Paige last year, and whether they had done photography with me or someone else, I just think capturing the history of your family is one of the coolest gifts you can give. I'm excited to post the rest of their images after they come in to view their images tomorrow evening, but for now here's just a quick peek to build a ittle suspense. |