The Reames {from the archives]
WHAT: Families, Kids, Portraits | WHEN: May 25, 2012 | WHERE: Dallas, TX
Still playing catch up on blog posts. This one's from last November when my cousin and his wife and 2 kiddos came down and stayed with us for Thanksgiving. We love hangin' out with the Reames clan because they're a ton of fun... and because Aaron is like my brother from another mother; he and I are neck & neck in race to be the most absent-minded. We were both granted book smarts, but we left the building before they handed out common sense.
These guys are also native Ohioans (now living near Boston) and Buckeyes to the bone, so they'll always be welcome in our house. Not that we don't let non-Buckeyes in, they just have work extra hard to earn their keep... or pay us rent. Aaron, Jen and the kids have a lifetime pass.
I love these images, not just because we're related, but because the images are so relaxed and fun and tell a story about who this family is. Without ever meeting them, you know who they are and what their dynamic is like just by glancing at their photos. Their personalities in these images are the same as they are when a camera's not pointed at them. It's hard for some people be themselves in front of the camera. Not these guys.
We loaded up the car one afternoon and headed down to a park near downtown Dallas, and on another day they busted out their OSU gear for a trip to a park in our neighborhood. Here is their story in photos.
This next image cracks. me. up. Alexandra is layin' down the law, mafia style, on big brother Spencer.
If I had a photo of Aaron as a kid, it would look exactly like Spencer. Exactly.
We tried to do a serious pose of Jen and Aaron. Honest. This is about as close as we got.
Hey, sweet cousin Saige makes an appearance! Wo-hoo! Man, she looks so much younger in this image.
One day about 8-10 years from now, the kids will regret this next sequence. Kind of an unfortunate anything-you-can-do-we-can-do-better moment. One day they'll learn that there are some things mommies & daddies do that brothers & sisters shouldn't. Hilarious.
They used this on the Christmas card last year. Ready. Set. Celebrate!
Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone
WHAT: Personal | WHEN: May 24, 2012
Dear Family & Friends,
I am writing to let you know about an opportunity I have to serve people in need in Jamaica on June 17-23. Some of you may be thinking, ‘Jamaica? That sounds like somewhere I’d go for vacation!’ That was my initial reaction, too, when Chase Oaks (the church Kylie and I call home) first asked if I was interested in going there to help out and photographically document the wonderful work that was being done there. After some quick research, it didn’t take long to see that a large percentage of the Jamaican population lives in a state of poverty without many of the conveniences or even necessities we take for granted every day.
The timing of this opportunity was of no coincidence. I had just mentioned to Kylie not too long ago that I felt I was going through a season in my life where I was just kind of coasting and not doing much that was truly impactful in meaningful ways. God has perfect timing, though, and I decided it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and serve people in need on my first mission trip.
One of my main purpose on this trip involves capturing images for the church that tell a compelling story that hopefully move the hearts of more people to get involved and serve on future trips. I will also be helping out as we visit work primarily at 3 sites. We will be doing construction-related work to further the progress in building a new church to serve the Montego Bay community. In addition we will also be spending time at an a school for the deaf and an orphanage to just love on the kids and give them hope through the story of His grace.
I am also writing to ask for your support for this opportunity. I want to ask you to consider supporting me one or more ways. First, I am going on a mission trip and I want this to be His mission not mine, in all this my heart needs to be rightly focused on God and relying on Him to get me through the week. I really want to be prepared to do whatever God asks me to do, and I believe that I need to be spiritually prepared before I go. So, if you feel inclined, would you be willing to begin now praying for me? Also, I would like for you to pray for me to be physically ready and healthy while I am there. Please pray for the families and children we will be serving. Pray that we would be able to meet their physical needs as well as their spiritual. If you would be willing to do this, it would be very much appreciated.
The second way you could support me on this project would be to help me with the cost of the trip. I will need to pay $1,500 in order to attend. This amount covers, travel, food and lodging, supplies for projects, and supplies to meet some needs in the local community. If you are able to help this way, details are below. As you can tell this trip is a little less than a month away, so I need to begin as soon as possible. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated. If you are able to give financially you can simply send a check to me, made out to CHASE OAKS CHURCH. Then in the memo line put “Jamaica Trip”. Please do not put my name on the check. I will turn it in to the church for you so you will get a tax deduction if you desire.
Thank you for considering partnering with me on this mission trip. I am looking forward to sharing the stories of how God will use us to show love through using our hands and feet and hearts during this week.
WHO: Shayla | WHAT: Seniors | WHEN: May 10, 2012 | WHERE: McKinney, TX
I posted Shayla's senior images on Facebook quit a while back . Like November 2011 a while back. Sadly, this session and several others have been camping out on a hard drive just waiting to see the light of day here on the blog. The holidays came, and our little girl was experiencing so many milestones that blog publishing took a back seat for a few months. Even more sad is that Shayla is extended family. Zoinks, Shaggy, you think that'd give her some kinda priority. Guess I've been an equal opportunity procrastinator.
Anyway, the other day I got her graduation open house announcement in the mail, and that was a little kick in the pants I needed to get these images posted here. Her and her mom and my aunt came down to Texas from Ohio one weekend, so we wondered around the Deep Ellum Arts District in downtown Dallas before heading out to historic downtown McKinney the next. Here's a few of the images we came away with.
The Moores ~ One Moore Time
WHO: The Moore Family | WHAT: Families, Kids | WHEN: May 6, 2012 | WHERE: Arbor Hills Nature Preserve - Plano, TX
Hey, a family session on the blog! I know, crazy, right? I've been terrible about blogging lately (and by lately I mean since Saige was born over a year ago), and I've got some sessions that are months old that I still haven't blogged, but I'm making a pseudo commitment to myself to be better about posting here. We'll see if it sticks, but here goes...
I love photographing the Moores. Seriously. They are so easy going and fun, and we always have a good time at our sessions. The first time I photographed them, there were only 4 Moores. Then in late 2010 they added one Moore. [I see you rolling you're eyes at my clever use of the name Moore] And now that little JP (or "Gippy" as mom and dad call him because, being the 3rd child, he gets gipped out of some things) is a little older, it was time to update the family artwork on the walls with new images. We met up at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve for a mostly chigger-free session before they headed off to Disney World with the kiddos.
BTW, before I get to the images, I need to apologize to the men in this family. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of all the action at the session I mixed up their names. You'd think this being the 3rd session we've done, that I would have them down by now, but in all fairness, they don't make it easy on you with names like JC (dad), RJ (oldest son), and JP (youngest son). I'm sure I threw in a couple PJs, RCs, CJs and JRs while I was at it. Sorry guys. I'll have it down by our next session... unless you have another son/brother by then. [grin]
Here's some of the images from our session.
These next 2 images were the last two things I saw before I took a soccer ball square in the lens. My fault. At 5 years old I thought surely his aim wasn't that good yet. It wasn't until afterwards when the blood was trickling down the side of my eye that his dad informed me that oh-by-the-way RJ plays soccer year round.
Cassidy could be a superstar child model. Seriously.
I posted this image on Facebook shortly after the session because it made me laugh. This is what family life really looks like. I didn't even know until JC and Maureen came in to view their images yesterday that the reason Cassidy initially laid on her back was because she didn't want the grass to touch her legs. Feakin' hilarious.
The thing I really like about this image is that one day little Cassidy is gonna grow up and get married, but this image tells the story about how her daddy will always be her first love.
Cassidy spots mountain bikers on the bike trail coming their way!
Had a contest with RJ to see who could go the longest without smiling. I won.
The great thing about the next couple images is how much the kids will treasure when they're grown,